Meet the Team: Luis Figueroa

Contributor, Blog

Luis Figueroa, like many divers, was hooked on diving through episodes of the Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau and Sea Hunt. As soon as he saved enough money from delivering newspapers, he got his open water certification and completed the open water dives off the beaches of Southern California and the Channel Islands. Luis became an SSI Dive Master through his local dive shop, Aquatic Specialties in Merrimack. He  bring his 35+ years’ experience diving the waters of New England to the iDive New England community.

Luis' diving has taken him all over world where he has dived on bucket list trip destinations like Truk Lagoon in Micronesia to diving far and away destinations such a Sri Lanka, Bali and South Korea during his international business trips. Luis' favorite dive destination is Bonaire, which he has visited several times with his wife and kids. Luis also volunteers as a diver for the Rutledge Marine Lab at Star Island and the Seacoast Science Center in Rye, NH.

See Luis featured on episodes of WMUR Chronicle:
Diving for Nudibranchs in the Piscataqua River
Diving the Isle of Shoals