Rhode Island Regulations


RI Gen L § 46-22-24

I. Any person scuba diving, skin diving, or snorkeling in an area where power or motor boats are operated, shall place a warning flag on a buoy at a place of his or her submergence, the flag to be at least twelve by twelve inches (12" s 12") with a white stripe running from the diagonal corners which stripe shall be one quarter (1/4) as wide as the flag, or conspicuously flown upon a boat which he or she is then using in the area, in which case the flag shall be at least eighteen by eighteen inches (18" s 18") and with a white stripe running from one upper corner to a diagonal lower corner, which stripe shall be one quarter (1/4) as wide as the flag itself.

The flag shall be in place only while diving operations are in progress and, during the hours between sunset and sunrise, this flag shall be illuminated by a light shining on the flag.


If you don't know the rules, you could end up losing your dive gear. We are going to help you avoid that.

What does a permit cost and where can I get one?

The permit fees are $40. Only residents can obtain permits. Permits are available through RI Department of Environmental Management.

What are the catch limits with my permit?

8 Lobsters a day.

Review the up-to-date recreational limits at the dem.ri.gov websitei:

How do I check if I can keep a lobster?

This is going to be one of the most important pieces once you have your permit!

Carapace (the hard upper shell) length measured from the rear of eye socket parallel to the center line of the body shell to the rear of the bodyshell. All lobsters measuring less than the minimum legal carapace length must be returned to the waters from which taken. All lobsters must be measured immediately. Egg bearing females must be returned to the water.

Lobster Size

  • Min length: 3 and 3/8 inches
  • Max length: 5 1/4 inches

Use a gauge to measure the lobster. Most local dive shops will carry this.

Lobster - Prohibitions

  1. Removal of eggs from lobsters is prohibited. Egg-bearing lobsters or lobsters from which eggs have been removed must be immediately returned alive to the waters from which taken.
  2. No person shall use a spear, gig, gaff, or other such penetrating device to harvest lobsters.

What is my permit number?

Each permit has an identification number located on your permit. You must mark your traps and dive gear with this permit number.

Is reporting required?

Commercial fishing reporting is required in RI.

Where do I purchase a permit?


Who oversees the permits in RI?

Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Address: 235 Promenade Street, Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-222-6647
Website: <www.dem.ri.gov/programs/marine-fisheries/recreational-fishing.php#reccrust](http://www.dem.ri.gov/programs/marine-fisheries/recreational-fishing.php#reccrust>

Boating around Divers

RI Gen L § 46-22-24

I. Motorboats shall not be operated within fifty feet (50') of any flag described above.