Marine Life Identification

Being able to identify marine life and vegetation will make your diving experience more enjoyable. You'll be able to converse with other divers about the unique things you've seen and overall, be a more knowledgeable diver while you're underwater. Below you'll find some great resources to better identify fish and marine life here in New England. Let's continue to support our local resources as our community depends on the support.

Marine Life of the North Atlantic: Canada to New England

Marine Life of the North Atlantic Mobile App

Marine Life of the North Atlantic presents an easy to use field guide to identify marine life here in New England.

Included you will find:

  • Identification: Fish and Vegetation identification with pictures, identification details, habitat descriptions and more
  • Life Lists: ability to "follow" specific Marine to see what dive sites your list is being seen
  • Dive record: you will see pictorial record of the plants or marine life you have seen during your dives


App link:

See our iDive New England Spotlight of Andrew Martinez, the author of Marine Life of the North Atlantic.

Nudibranchs of the Northeast

By Jerry Shine

Nudibranchs of the Northeast covers 28 different species of nudibranchs found along the coast from Canada to New Jersey. It's an oversized book, measuring 8.5 inches by 10 inches, and including 100 color photos, most of which show the nudibranchs at many times their actual size. For a look inside, click on the two-page spread on the right.

  • ASIN: B007RECUP0
  • Publisher: Blue Sphere; 1st edition (January 1, 2012)
  • Paperback: 96 pages

Book link: purchase via Amazon