Connecticut Regulations


CT Gen Stat § 15-135 (2018) I. No person shall engage in underwater swimming or diving using a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus or other artificial breathing device in any state or federal water without marking his position with a clearly discernible flag, buoy or other device which the commissioner approves or prescribes. No person when so engaged shall surface more than fifty feet from such marker, except in cases of emergency. II. Not more than four persons shall use the same marking device simultaneously, except when engaged in underwater swimming or diving from an anchored boat displaying such marking device, in which case the number of persons using the same marking device shall be limited to the legal capacity of such boat.

Diver Down flag w/ stiffener 13" x 15". Divers must not surface more than 50' from flag. One dive flag per boat. Dive flags used between sunset & sunrise must have a reflective white diagonal stripe. Mast (pole) must not be less than twenty inches high and of sufficient stability to support the mast in a vertical upright position.


If you don't know the rules, you could end up losing your dive gear. We are going to help you avoid that.

The Connecticut Personal Use Lobster License permits you to fish only in Connecticut marine waters. Check the Marine Fisheries Information Circular for details on the demarcation line between inland and marine districts for near shore areas. Existing federal regulations allow you to lobster in federal waters (waters outside of Long Island Sound AND greater than 3 miles from shore.) A federal permit is not required but a possession limit of six lobsters per person on board is applicable. This license does not permit you to lobster in Rhode Island or New York waters.

What does a permit cost and where can I get one?

The permit fees are $60. Permits are available through CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.

When is the lobster season?

The closed season for Lobster Management Area 6 (Long Island Sound and western Block Island Sound) is September 8 through November 28, inclusive, and applies to both recreational and commercial fisheries and all gears.

What are the catch limits with my permit?


How do I check if I can keep a lobster?

This is going to be one of the most important pieces once you have your permit!

Carapace (the hard upper shell) length measured from the rear of eye socket parallel to the center line of the body shell to the rear of the bodyshell. All lobsters measuring less than the minimum legal carapace length must be returned to the waters from which taken. All lobsters must be measured immediately. Egg bearing females must be returned to the water.

Lobster Gauges with specific CT parameters are sold from the DEEP Licensing and Revenue

Lobster Size

  • Min length: 3 and 3/8 inches
  • Max length: 5 1/4 inches

Lobster gauges for determining compliance with the minimum length are available for purchase only from the DEEP Licensing and Revenue Unit, 79 Elm Street, Hartford and certain local outlets. It is recommended that this type gauge be used and that it be checked frequently for accuracy.

Lobster - Prohibitions

  1. Removal of eggs from lobsters is prohibited. Egg-bearing lobsters or lobsters from which eggs have been removed must be immediately returned alive to the waters from which taken.
  2. Taking v-notched female lobsters is strictly prohibited. V-notched female lobster must be immediately returned alive to the waters from which they were taken.
  3. Taking lobsters with spears or hooks of any kind is prohibited. Possession of lobsters taken by any method that pierces the shell is prohibited.

What is my permit number?

Each permit has an identification number. You must mark your traps and dive gear with this permit number.

Is reporting required?

Yes, you will need to record the number of legal lobsters kept as well as the fishing area and the fishing effort expended. A record for each day fished must be completed regardless if lobsters are kept or not.

Where do I purchase a permit?

CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

Who oversees the permits in CT?

State of Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection: Marine Fisheries Program.
Address: PO Box 719, Old Lyme, CT 06371
Phone: 860-434-6043