Bay State Council of Divers logo Bay State Council of Divers

The Bay State Council of Divers, Inc. was founded in the early 1970’s to represent the organized divers in Massachusetts. The Bay State Council of Divers is a member of the Underwater Society of America which is composed of other dive councils, clubs and independent divers throughout North America. The Bay State Council of Divers is managed by a Board of Directors and meets approximately four times a year. Their organization is made up of over 700 individual divers, clubs, dive shop owners, charter boat captains and scuba instructors. Their staple event of the year is the Annual Treasure Hunt that attracts divers from many dive clubs and dive shops.

They have offered written and verbal testimony to the Massachusetts legislature and the Department of Marine Fisheries. They organized the Free the Beaches campaign, which passed a law in Massachusetts assuring divers equal access to waters under Massachusetts jurisdiction. They organized a petition drive to stop House Bill 3779 which would have required any person being an underwater diver or scuba diver be certified by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

$10 annually
Varied times are available on their website; held 4x/year
Annual Treasure Hunt
[email protected]
James Nannery